I wanted to put this up so that when I start responding to it folks will have time to digest what this is.
It's a comment from my other art blog as it pertains to this farm blog (I had linked one of these articles to the art blog for more viewing) My husband's sister Lori Wasankari Allen left this lovely little ditty. It has now sparked me to discuss and refute and all that jazz a wide variety of topics which I will be sharing in the days to come. As it is right now, I do have an awful lot to do in taking care of our little micro farm. But in the meantime....
Enjoy the rantings and lunatic ravings. There is a lot that needs to be said and I'm tired of this woman harassing me. So...more to come in the days to come.
Lorirae said...
- Great Work ! I applaud you & Joel for not living off the Govt. Especially since the good ole' Govt. must take care of Joel's son, Adam, insane as he is ! So sad. At least Joel does not mind, in fact, probably Enjoys :) ! killing fuzzy bunnies and eating them. I would suggest you and he look into killing & eating Rats ! They are at least not so cute as a bunny ! But, what the hell, who cares about Cute, just keep Govt. OUT of Our Lives ! As long as Joel does not have to Care about his own Son with his own Money, God Forbid !! Family, moral, ethical responsibility ? Hell No ! Not for Joel.
Oh, try researching some recipes, perhaps Shepherd's pie ! I heard you are good at producing puppies ! They are probably pretty good cooked with some potatoes and carrots. But, PLEASE Chris, DO NOT over cook the Damn Food, When it all get too mushy we can't tell the animal from the Veggie ! And then What ? Accuse me of being a damn Liberal Vegetarian, Damn Straight ! Keep my Meat separate from my Vegetables, and my Wife's pussy from my Dick, 'cause we are all SO Damn American! Smile, as you hear the Rabbit Scream, Look Into ITS eyes, and Thank HIM for your LIFE. Go to Hell Very Soon and Stop your Suffering and Waste upon This Earth of MINE !!
My Taxes support Your Sorry Asses, and I am sick of it and YOU!
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It is very wise of you and your husband to try and support yourselves without Government help ! I applaud you for this, especially since your son, Adam, R
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Microlivestock: Little-Known Small Animals with a Promising Economic Future
Here is the direct link to that blog and the comments direct: